George Brown College

Basketball Coach

Канада, George Brown College

George Brown College / Торонто (программа последипломного образования Human Resourses Management)

Проживание в семье (продолжительность 12 месяцев)

Статья о нашем студенте университетской команды по баскетболу:

No need to debate the issue, Vitali Khakholka wins the un-official award as the most educated student on the men’s basketball team this season at George Brown College.

With a Bachelor of Arts degree from Minsk State Linguistic University and a Masters Degree from Schiller International University in Largo, Florida., that’s fairly impressive.

The 25-year old isn’t done because of an appetite for learning.

Up next, Vitali is planning to pad his educational resume with a post-grad Certificate in Human Resources Management. In his spare time, Vitali will be getting some exercise on the basketball court.

Just a few weeks after stepping foot on Canadian soil, the native of Belarus got another craving to expand his education. Vitali looked at Canada as a potential next stop and confirmed it after seeing a course on the computer that he liked at George Brown.

Following a discussion with his parents, the next step was to get to Toronto. That he did and Vitali is now an international student.

“I worked one year, then went home and the economics is not great,” he said. “My parents are getting older and this time it was harder to leave. But they saw how excited I was to go to Toronto and George Brown had the best program.”

For many people, packing a suitcase and going to a foreign country with no relatives or friends can be a challenge.

“People are polite in Canada and that’s something I really like – I’ll be fine,” he said. “The course of study is great and I also get a chance to play some basketball as a break from my studies.”

He communicates in five languages – Russian, Spanish, English, Belarusian and German. Vitali has worked as a census taker, personal trainer and admissions advisor. Also, try a bit of broadcasting on Radio Europe.

And fond of basketball, at 6-foot-7 and 245 pounds, he’s also able to play saxophone, piano, and clarinet but really has it in for electric guitar in the basement of a rented home. Catch him on You Tube, too.

Now, to the game of hoops – something he played in Belarus.

“I was captain of the team at Minsk State, but the game was more recreational and not as serious there as it is in Canada,” said Vitali. “It’s far more intense (in Canada).”

Vitali, who hasn’t played competitively in a few years, will probably be at the post position when the Huskies open the season on October 26 in Ottawa against Algonquin College. Local fans will get to see him at George Brown on Nov. 1 for the Huskies home opener against Georgian College of Barrie.

“I see my job as supporting the team as best as I can,” he said. “I am more of a rebounding and blocking guy, but there is lots to learn about basketball and they have some great coaches and players at George Brown.”

Huskies head coach Jonathan Smith isn’t accustomed to getting a player of Khakholka’s size walk in the door.

“He’s got great size and strength,” said Smith. “A strong silent person can make a big impression on the coaching staff. I like his work ethic and, with his academic success, is a great mentor for the younger players.” - DG

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